How to write BEST motivational letter

Keep in mind that your letter will be read by other students like you so try to write it like something you would like to read. Here is some help:

    1. Don't forget to write why you want to come to BEST event you are applying for. Let the organizers know that you are interested in the event. If you have any knowledge useful for that event, write that also.
  1. Write about your hobbies that are not related to your studies (BEST, sports, choir, scouts,...)
  2. The course is not just about lectures, it's also about socializing and meeting new friends. Be funny and relaxed. But careful with the jokes (political, macho,...). Let them know that you are an open and sociable person, not afraid of meeting new people.
  3. Show your originality, don't be afraid to be different.
  4. Don't use formal language ( like 'Dear Madam/Sir' ).
  5. You should write if you feel that the course could help you with your studies.
  6. Don't let the letter be to short or to long – just enough to get the organizers to notice you. If the letter is to long nobody would want to read it, if it's to short they will think that you are not interested enough in the course.