Building a garden table from recycled wood for 39£

This is a story in pictures of building a garden table from scrap wood.

All in all in numbers:

  • A week of work after work hours + the weekend
  • All the wood was found left on the street as garbage
  • Spent 39£/$52 on:

Future top of the table was part of the bed frameTable legs were slowly stripped of old paintPreparing panels for paintPreparing panels for paintPreparing panels for paintPanels coated with one layer of wood stainGetting ready for assemblyGetting ready for assemblyCharging the drillFrame assembled, testing panelsFlipping panels with the uncoated side upwardsScrewing side panelsSpacing panels equallyPutting some weight on so that panels don't moveDrilling holes in panelsScrewing panels on one sideScrews have to be screwed manually at the end as so the panels don't crackAll panels now screwedFirst coating of the table's topTable as the center pieceTable as a cozy place