Check list of basic things that you should know about HTML

After you moved over HTML tutorial from WCS, check this list to see if you get all this things, if no, just move back and try them once more time:

  1. What is HTML
  2. HTML Tags (XML like structure)
  3. HTML Elements
      1. Always lowercase
      2. Always quote attributes
      3. Attributes reference (class, id, title)
    1. Doctypes
    2. HTML main structure (html, head, body)
    3. Headings
    4. Lines
    6. Paragraphs
    7. Line break
    8. Text formatting (b, i, u, strong, em)
    9. Links
    10. Images
    11. Tables
    12. Lists
      1. Ordered
      2. Unordered
      3. Definition
    13. Forms
      1. Input text
      2. Input button
      3. Input password
      4. Textarea
      5. Checkbox
      6. Radiobox
      7. Selectlist
      8. Submit button
    14. Frames (never use them!)
    15. Iframes
    16. Entities (ASCII instead of value)
    17. Many other elements in HTML5 (advanced)
  4. Head
    1. Meta
    2. Title
    3. Scripts
    4. Links
  5. Adding CSS
    1. As link
    2. In header
    3. For each element